Devlog 3 - Death, the final part of the theme.

Day 3

Quick summary of what occurred incase my devlogs get too long for some people.

  • Crosshair added
  • All text had the font changed
  • Outlines around text
  • Weapon rework
  • Another easter egg? (Unless I remove it)
  • Health system
  • Ammo system
  • Reloading
  • Enemy health bars

Basically a lot of things have happened. But let’s start from the first thing I did, the health system. I decided today I should focus on the health system so death can be implemented which is part of the theme since it’s robots, love and death. I created a small health bar inspired by some of one of my older games, The Last Cure. Although dying does nothing yet, the system I’ve put in place makes it easy to see if a player is dead by comparing the height of the HP object (Health Points) which is a red rectangle that as you lose health, gets smaller.

Afterwards I basically copied and pasted some of the code, and also checked for IDs to make it work for the AI. Very simple, not much really happened here.

Then I decided to add an ammo indicator and instead of going the usual route of numbers, I decided to create a more graphical ammo counter showing the current clip with a polygonal shape, and the smaller it is, the smaller / less full the clip is. I felt this might make the game feel more unique and interesting instead of a boring copy of other games, as I wanted to make something different to the average game.

Next a complete weapon rework was done, allowing me to change weapon statistics by changing different numbers / strings in a child variable of the ID of the gun in a new array variable called GunStats. This will allow me to create new weapons later on quickly and easily, to make the game more interesting. Alongside this, I added reloading so the player can reload their clips which was made easy by some of the child variables that were a child of the gun ID.

Afterwards I quickly made a simple crosshair, so players can more easily see where they are shooting. This can help a lot for players who might not be able to see the cursor easily.

Finally, I changed all of the text to now use a custom font, which I’ve sourced from the Bundle for Ukraine on, to help make the game look better and to help the text stand out, I added a small outline to all of it.

Thanks for reading, I’m not going to reveal the new easter egg just yet as I want to surprise players if possible with my easter eggs in the game.

Get The Antilovable Robots

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